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Interstellar Data Hosting

Note: All information entered on this site is ENCRYPTED.
Double-click the secure lock [] in the status bar for verification.

All required fields have a red star *.

Standard Site Registration -- $14.95 per month

Account Domain Name:  


*Account Password:  

*Re-type Password:  

*Email Address:  



Billing Information

  Pay Monthly - $14.95

  Pay Six Months - $80.75

  Pay Yearly - $149.50

*Credit Card Type:  

*Cardholder's Name:  

*Credit Card Number:  

*Expiration Date:  

Credit Card Verification Number:  

 Help locating number.
*Required if it is on your card.   

Usually the last 3 digits on the back of the card.

*Cardholder's Street Address:  


US State:  


Not Applicable  


*Zip Code:  



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